Joshua Heroldt - Client interaction lead

Major: Software Engineering
I will be working on the frontend development for our web application.
Nolan Slimp - Scrum Master

Major: Software Engineering
I will be working on the frontend development as well as managing the stories generated for this project.
Bernard Fay - Meeting Scribe

Major: Software Engineering
I will be working on backend implementation for the initial allocation algorithm as well as writing meeting minutes.
Matthew Medley - Team website manager

Major: Software Engineering
I will be working on incorperating angular with our frontend webpage UI as well as working with integrating the frontend and backend.
Indrajeet Aditya Roy - Frontend documentor

Major: Software Engineering
I will be working on implementing backend helper endpoints.
Asma Gesalla - Backend documentor

Major: Software Engineering
I will be working on the backend api interactions as well as working with the database.